Does technology enhance your study?

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Various types of software or program that regarded to E-learning has been providing for education use.  Many education firms are aiming to get market shares from online education industry. Moreover, the concept of education mixed with the latest technology tools become a trend for study progress nowadays. As example, the guy that using his laptop accessed the network to finish his school task by converted his document file of Microsoft Word into an online blogger. The task couldn’t be done without the use of technology. In other words, technology has influencing the study progress and bringing the process of study to the wider view. 

Image result for e library              The technology of internet assists student for learning and exploration in their main stream of studies and also their personal interests from other fields (Campbell, 2018). In art and business studies, the construction of search engine based on internet had improving these studies to bigger space to grow and diversification. These online search engines such as Google, Bing, and Baidu from China possess huge database that allowing their users to do research and comparison with different information they were got from the websites through type in key words in search field. In addition, many published journals and articles along the world now had been converted into E-Journals and E-Articles that placing on online libraries and some of them able to be be found through Google Scholar. Moreover, the online statistic was more reliable because it keep changing based on current situation compared to those published statistic information that reflecting old information. Thus, this enables the researcher and student to process their project with accurate statistic and utilized the information of knowledge without heading to the town library that might be far away from their home.
Image result for e learning new generation              On the other hand, technology has bringing the positive impacts to science studies field with launching the virtual reality technology. Virtual Reality (VR) known as the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment (Jackson, 2015). Instead of traditional user interfaces, VR places the user inside an experience. Unlike viewing a screen in front of them, VR enables users to interact with simulated 3D worlds. By simulating possible senses in creating the fake environment, vision, hearing, touch, even smell can be involved and transformed into this artificial world. As example, virtual reality technology applied in the surgical training for medical students. These students’ basic skills of surgeons can be taught and enhanced through practicing in virtual reality simulated training. In fact, according to the report that had made by Erin (2015), residents who were not participated using VR five times more likely to injure the gallbladder, while the average errors for the simulation-trained residents were six times less likely to occur. It has been proven that the use of virtual simulation enhanced the overall outcome of patient. This happened because a standardization of skill competencies and educational and training requirements had been produced by the VR technology in this training for surgeons or surgical residents.

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               However, the advantages of technology were useful in enhancing the study progress of student but it can be as harmful as critically just like its advantages when technology being misused. Undoubtedly, the visibility of professional works were increased on the database of internet as reference materials for students, but the plagiarism issues occurred as inevitably while the particular student copied the majority of contents from those works and pretending he made these works by using his name without mentioned other author’s name. Moreover, technology can be a temptation that occurred as an obstacle for student in their schooling. The exploration of technology in game industry has brought it to multiple gaming platforms such as on computer and mobile instead of traditional video game. According to Evans (2015), teenagers who played computer games less than once a week were more successful in school than those who played them twice a day or more. The use of mobile in gaming allows student access to their mobile game easily by using the 24 hours and 7 days device in any place. 

               The development of technologies has growing day by day, from the black and white television box in old days to everyone could participating live stream on social media and able to create a channel himself/herself on YouTube. Perhaps, the rapid change of technology has forming the new pattern of study and has created new study fields such as app writing, block chain engineering, et al. Therefore, technology not only enhanced the study progress from the different fields, it also creating the demand on studies of technology itself among the new generation. Thus, the impacts of technology in student’s career were subjective facts and it depends on the usage habit of user for particular technology.

Campbell, S. (2018) 5 Benefits that Makes Studying on the Internet More Interesting. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 20 April 2018].
Erin, A. (2015) Surgical Simulation Training: Is Virtual Reality The Future Of Surgical Training? [Online] Available from: [Accessed 20 April 2018].
Evans, J. (2015) Study Links Video Game Use to Problems in School. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 20 April 2018].


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