Do you trust your government?

According to The Law Dictionary (2018), a government involves control, restraint, regulation, or supervision of a country. Government for a country can be formed through a general election by the people according to the democracy constitution. Countries that approach democracy constitution in the establishment of the government such as United States, India, Korea, et al. On the other hand, there are some countries that applying communist system in the establishment of government such as China and North Korea. 

A communist government can be bad for the nation if the majority authority of politic is owed by a particular group of members such as the well-known Kim family in North Korea. However, a communist government can be good as China from the perspective of stability development without opposition occurred among the internal different parties. In this case, the system that forms a government is less important for a country compared to the rightful power of those individuals who lead the government and making decision to determine the situation in the country. As example, a prime minister from a democratic country can misuses his supreme political authority to conspire with any department of government or forms his exclusive government himself to influence the final result of general election for his personal interest. Thus, the credibility of a democratic politics is also questioned.

In my opinion, I trust the government if only they knew how to make the poor old man to laugh in the public transport. The scene from the bottom society may easily describes the level of infrastructure and the happiness index of the people. According to a report by Bloomberg (Ruxyn, 2017), Malaysia had been ranked as one of the top three countries that contained highest death rates on roads compared with other countries among the world. Malaysia should look towards reducing its traffic-related death rate before aspired to become a developed country. Because it is confused for the people if the current government unable to guarantee the safe level of the people but promising them with a series of national development plans. In other words, it just like building a tall building with no foundation. 

               I do not trust a government from the perspective of financial management when its government ability had leaded the nation economy to more inflation on its currency and more national debts. Malaysia government debt to GDP were remained 50 percent and above in past 9 years and before that it was only 41.24 percent in year 2008 (Trading Economics, 2018). Inflation rate influences cost of living in Malaysia. Our inflation rate had increased 2 percent above in each year since year 2012 to as high as 3.82% in last year (Statista, 2018). Due to the lack of performance of our currency, the government had determined a preferential policy which known as BR1M to give subsidy to those low income household. Since the government unable to reduce government debts whereas while distributes its negative equity to the people as subsidy due to the failure in the control of national inflation. Undoubtedly, national economy is considered a heavy burden on the current government.

However, I have some beliefs in our government who defending our reputation of solidary and diversified development. Malaysia is a country that contains several groups of people from different ethnics. Our government had paid a lot of efforts to consolidate the unity of the people by conducted various policies such as Dasar Ekonomi Baru established in year 1971 to prevent the repetition of tragedy of 13 May 1969 in future. For education, Malaysia has National-type (Tamil) Schools and National-Type (Chinese) Schools instead of only mainstream National Schools in order to meet the demands from different races. In business field, our government announced the establishment of Malaysia’s Digital Free Trade Zone partnered with founder of Alibaba Group Jack Ma from China. “The world’s first DFTZ is a key component in driving Malaysia’s digital economy, facilitating SMEs to capitalise on the convergence of exponential growth of the Internet economy and cross-border trade.” (Bernama, 2017)

However, people are difficult to be satisfied by external incentives. There will be complaints about the efforts that paid by our government and some supports occurred for the extreme speech by our government in political occasion. Our dependence on government will leads us to unsatisfied situation whereas the people that pay attention to the personal quality themselves rather than the actions of the government will be growing more independently and stronger. 


Free Malaysia Today. (2017) Najib, Jack Ma officiate groundbreaking of Digital Free Trade Zone. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 14 April 2018].

Ruxyn, T. (2017) Death Rates On Malaysian Roads Is 3rd Highest Globally, More Than China And India. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 14 April 2018].

Statista. (2018) Malaysia inflation rate 2010-2022. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 14 April 2018].

The Law Dictionary. (2018) What is government? [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 14 April 2018].

Trading Economics. (2018) Malaysia Government Debt to GDP 1990-2018. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 14 April 2018].


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