
Showing posts from April, 2018

Does technology enhance your study?

Various types of software or program that regarded to E-learning has been providing for education use.   Many education firms are aiming to get market shares from online education industry. Moreover, the concept of education mixed with the latest technology tools become a trend for study progress nowadays. As example, the guy that using his laptop accessed the network to finish his school task by converted his document file of Microsoft Word into an online blogger. The task couldn’t be done without the use of technology. In other words, technology has influencing the study progress and bringing the process of study to the wider view.                The technology of internet assists student for learning and exploration in their main stream of studies and also their personal interests from other fields (Campbell, 2018). In art and business studies, the construction of search engine based on internet had improving these studies to bigger space to grow and diversification. These

Do you trust your government?

According to The Law Dictionary (2018), a government involves control, restraint, regulation, or supervision of a country. Government for a country can be formed through a general election by the people according to the democracy constitution. Countries that approach democracy constitution in the establishment of the government such as United States, India, Korea, et al. On the other hand, there are some countries that applying communist system in the establishment of government such as China and North Korea.  A communist government can be bad for the nation if the majority authority of politic is owed by a particular group of members such as the well-known Kim family in North Korea. However, a communist government can be good as China from the perspective of stability development without opposition occurred among the internal different parties. In this case, the system that forms a government is less important for a country compared to the rightful power of those individ

What is peer review?

According to Gannon (2011), peer review is a review process that has been using frequently to determine the achievement of academic which an author’s article is reviewed by other author from the same field. Academic publishing units mainly use peer review method to select and filter manuscript submissions and academic research funding providers also widely use peer review method to determine whether to grant funds or provide scholarship to the author.   In other words, peer review is to allow various experts from the field that related to the article title that awaiting to be published to provide their opinions in order to assist editors in the process of judging whether an article is suitable for publication. Peer review such as single blind review is a type of peer review where the author does not know who the reviewers are and has been using frequently in peer review among science journals. Moreover, social science and humanities journals were most common in using the d

How gender equity regard to job perspective?

Gender equality and gender equity are often mentioned in society and the importance of it began to emerge as a basic requirement for a better working environment. Perhaps, there are different meaning between gender equality and gender equity. Gender equality doesn’t mean that women and men are the same, but the responsibilities, opportunities, and rights of men and women will not depend on their gender (Roy, 2017). On the other hand, fairness of treatment for male and female according to their respective needs known as gender equity. According to Council for International Development (2012), gender equity refers to the equal rights, opportunities, and obligations that distribute to the people according to their respective needs. It also says that people have different advantages and disadvantages inherently and requires development practitioners adopt different actions accordingly. However, society’s subjective comprehension of what people’s ‘needs’ are and what action should b